A research project on LGTBIQA+ symbols and flags
“Pride -flows” is a design research project developed by our team. This study focuses on the symbols and graphic codes of the LGBTIQA+ movement and sexual and gender dissidences. The goal is to create a new, adaptable, and multiple graphic system that reflects the richness of all identities, unifying the various struggles under an inclusive and customizable symbol.
The project began with the analysis of the many flags representing the different identities within the LGBTIQA+ community. Although these flags are rich in meaning, they can sometimes fragment the movement’s symbolism. We seek a unified representation that respects and integrates this diversity in a coherent and visible manner. In a challenging political and social context, this reflective exercise aims to celebrate the rights of sexual and gender dissidents and commemorate LGBTIQA+ Pride Day.
We proposed the **Fluid Pride Flag**, a flag that visually symbolizes the struggles of the LGBTIQA+ community without defined stripes. The colors flow and blend, representing the interconnectedness and fluidity of identities. This design promotes an intersectional and inclusive vision where experiences and identities intertwine and support each other.
A New Symbol
As a final result of the research, we designed a symbol derived from the traditional rainbow, simplified into a double arc representing equality. This symbol is adaptable and can incorporate different color gradients to reflect various struggles. The idea is to create an iconographic identification, similar to other resistance movements, that can be freely used and personalized according to the specific struggle.
Epilogue and Usage Rights
This project was developed by the Toormix team, 85% of whom identify as part of the LGBTIQA+ community and was validated through a process of exchanging opinions and visions with other identities. It is not intended to be a definitive proposal but rather an open research and reflection project using design tools to provide a new perspective on the debate over flags and the systematization of symbols of the struggle.
All symbols and flags can be used under a Creative Commons (CC) license for non-commercial use and in defense of LGBTIQA+ rights.
Landing: Prideflows.org
Figma Pride Flows flag and symbol configurator: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1388455262008902916/pride-flows-configurator?searchSessionId=lxyig7ep-o3dbn91ti2c
Figma Pride Flows design system: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1388454176886568194/pride-flows-design-system?searchSessionId=lxyims8u-yrz2d49k35h
Download all the symbols:
Download all the flags:
Instagram @pride.flows